Furever Home Dog Sanctuary
Ways to Donate

Ways to Donate

Furever Home Dog Sanctuary welcomes gifts of any size. Through the generous support of donors, FHDS will be able to construct a brand new facility to house the dogs most in need- dogs who are deemed “unadoptable” due to their age, their breed, or their medical challenges.  These dogs sometimes languish in shelters for years, unable to experience the joys that life has to offer.  Things that many dog owners take for granted such as snuggling up with their owners, feeling the jubilance of greeting their owners at the door when they return from an errand, or simply walking around a home.  Instead, these dogs are often forced to live almost continuously in a small crate with barely any social or physical interactions.  Your donations will help to change all of that.  FHDS is classified by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) organization, EIN 88-0543157. Contributions are tax-deductible to the full extent allowed by law.

None of your donations go toward any Board or any committee member.  This ensures that all funds are distributed to serve the greatest needs. When you support FHDS, your impact is real and visible. 

Ways to Contribute to Furever Home Dog Sanctuary*

    • Please make payable to Furever Home Dog Sanctuary

    • 655 Deerfield Road, Suite 100, #408, Deerfield, Illinois 60015

    • Make a one-time donation or gift that recurs (monthly, quarterly, or annually) online at Donate

    • To pay with a credit card by phone or for more information, contact David Kerpel, FHDS Founder and President, at 773-520-3568.

    • Make an ongoing commitment to support FHDS!

    • Easily create a donation schedule on our donation form, here

    • For more information, contact David Kerpel, FHDS Founder and President, at 773-520-3568 or info@fhdsmail.org

    • Partner with us as an annual sponsor! There are partner benefits at each sponsor level for individuals as well as businesses.  For more information, please contact David Kerpel, FHDS Founder and President, at 773-520-3568 or info@fhdsmail.org

    • Confirm a multi-year commitment to FHDS. Terms and amounts of pledges vary. For more information, please contact: David Kerpel, FHDS Founder and President, at 773-520-3568 or info@fhdsmail.org

    • Many employers sponsor matching gift programs and will match, double, triple, or even quadruple charitable contributions made by their employees. We encourage you to check with your HR department for your employer’s policy.

    • Recommend a grant from your Donor-Advised Fund
    • If you are client of Fidelity Charitable, Schwab Charitable, or BNY Mellon, you can easily recommend a grant through the DAF Direct window to the right 

    • Avoid Tax on capital gains!
    • Donating individual stock may save you money. You avoid capital gains tax while deducting 100 percent of the value of the contribution

    • For more information, please contact: David Kerpel, FHDS Founder and President, at 773-520-3568 or info@fhdsmail.org

    • Designate FHDS as part of your estate

    • For more information, please contact: David Kerpel, FHDS Founder and President, at 773-520-3568 or info@fhdsmail.org

    • Designate FHDS as the beneficiary of a life insurance policy

    • For more information, please contact: David Kerpel, FHDS Founder and President, at 773-520-3568 or info@fhdsmail.org

* Furever Home Dog Sanctuary does not provide financial, tax, or legal advice. For help in making the best financial decisions that align with your charitable goals, we encourage you seek the advice of a professionally licensed financial advisor, accountant, or attorney.